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The Pollution Control Board has
been established as a regulatory authority for implementing variious pollution control laws. The board is committed to provide polloution free environment to the people of state. The Board has undertaken various studies of underground water, solil and air to take remedial steps to control pollution.

   Environment Policy

Environmental policy refers to the commitment of an organization to the laws, regulations, and other policy mechanisms concerning environmental issues and sustainability. These issues generally include air and water pollution, solid waste management, biodiversity, ecosystem management, maintenance of biodiversity, the protection of natural resources, wildlife and endangered species.

Policies concerning energy or regulation of toxic substances including pesticides and many types of industrial waste are part of the topic of environmental policy. This policy can be deliberately taken to direct and oversee human activities and thereby prevent harmful effects on the biophysical environment and natural resources, as well as to make sure that changes in the environment do not have harmful effects on humans

It is useful to consider that environmental policy comprises two majorterms: environment and policy. Environment refers to the physical ecosystems, but can also take into consideration the social dimension (quality of life, health) and an economic dimension (resource management, biodiversity). Policy can be defined as a "course of action or principle adopted or proposed by a government, party, business or individual". Thus, environmental policy focuses on problems arising from human impact on the environment, which retroacts onto human society by having a (negative) impact on human values such as good health or the 'clean and green' environment

Our Policy is

(a) Planning of comprehensive programme for the prevention, control or abatement of pollution of streams and wells in the state and to secure the execution there of;

(b) To advise the State Government on any matter concerning the prevention, control or abatement of water pollution;

(c) To collect and disseminate information relating to water pollution and the prevention, control or abatement thereof;

(d To encourage, conduct and participate in investigations and research relating to problems of water pollution and prevention, control or abatement of water pollution

(e) To collaborate with the Central Board in organising the training of persons engaged or to be engaged in programmes relating to prevention, control or abatement of water pollution and to organise mass education programmes relating thereto;

(f) To inspect sewage or trade effluents, works and plants for the treatment of sewage and trade effluents and to review plans, specifications or other data relating to plants set up for the treatment of water, works for the purification thereof and the system for the disposal of sewage or trade effluents or in connection with the grant of any consent as required by this Act; (g) Lay down, modify or annul effluent standards for the sewage and trade effluents and for the quality of receiving waters (not being water in an inter - state stream) resulting from the discharge of effluents and to classify waters of the state;

(h) To evolve economical and reliable methods of treatment of sewage and trade effluents, with regard to the peculiar conditions of soils, climate and water resources of different regions and more especially the prevailing flow characteristic of water in streams and wells which render it impossible to attain even the minimum degree of dilution;

To evolve methods of utilisation of sewage and suitable trade effluents in agriculture; (j) To evolve efficient methods of disposal of sewage and trade effluents on land, as are necessary on account of the predominant conditions of scant stream flows that do not provide for major part of the year the minimum degree of dilution;

(k) To lay down standards of treatment of sewage and trade effluents to be discharged into any particular stream taking into account the minimum fair weather dilution available in that stream and the tolerance limits of pollution permissible in the water of the stream, after the discharge of such effluents;

(l) To advice the State Government with respect to the location of any industry the carrying on of which is likely to pollute a stream or well.